Truck Routes in Torrance and Redondo Beach

Truck Routes in Redondo Beach

There is a Public Works Commission meeting on Monday at City Hall, 7pm. We are looking at dealing with the City of Torrance having truck routes that lead into residential areas of Redondo. City staff have proposed solutions, but these are mere proposals. Please comment on what you think, here.

Torrance needs to change the truck routes since the truck traffic that is coming into Redondo is from those routes. This was uncovered by a significant traffic enforcement program which stemmed from issues and complaint from residents on traffic related issues on PB Blvd and Prospect area. That traffic enforcement program resulted in 12% of all tickets that PD has given out for traffic citations over the course of the last year.

I am in no way in favor of adding truck routes in Redondo Beach residential zones, Torrance needs to change their routes that end at our borders. Attached is an image regarding the truck routes. Finding solutions to this issue will not be easy, please comment to let the commissioners and myself know what you think.

Thank you,


Truck Routes in Torrance and Redondo Beach

Truck Routes in Torrance ending in Redondo Beach and through Redondo Beach.




Please show up in person to hear the issues directly, not from social media chatter. The agenda will be out later this week. Please comment to the commission, which will be live streamed via YouTube. Comments can be taken via zoom, in addition to in person on Monday, 7pm at City Hall Council Chambers.


Public Works and Sustainability Commission Meeting -Truck Route Discussion March 2024

Public Works and Sustainability Commission Meeting -Truck Route Discussion March 2024


agenda item here

About Nils


Councilmember Nils Nehrenheim is a two-term representative of District 1 in Redondo Beach. He sits on multiple boards, was the President of Independent Cities Association and is proudly serving his term until March of 2025.

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