The NEW City of Redondo Beach Logo

Meet the NEW Redondo Beach logo!

The logo was chosen at the City Council meeting on May 7th. The colors are not finalized.

As part of the Strategic Plan, the City Council requested staff identify the resources and process
needed to facilitate a City rebranding effort. On February 14, 2023, the City Council approved a
contract with Stellen Design, LLC. (Stellen) for logo design services. Over the course of several
months, Stellen met with the City Manager’s Logo Redesign Committee (Committee), comprised of
Redondo Beach residents, and developed a refreshed logo design for the City Council’s

The redesigned logo was initially presented to the City Council on October 17, 2023. After a series of
community meetings and continued outreach, the Council discussed the redesigned logo again on
February 13, 2024. Following that discussion, the Council directed staff to launch a logo redesign
competition for a period of six weeks, open to all artists and interested individuals, and to provide the
competition entries to the Council for review no later than April 2024. The Council also decided to
individually select and present their preferred design option as part of a follow up discussion to occur
on May 7, 2024.

Overall, the City received 199 logo redesign submissions. 76 applicants participated in the
competition and several offered more than one design option. The designs were delivered to City
Council as part of a receive and file report on April 16, 2024.
Staff is seeking Council direction on how to move forward with the logo redesign. It is recommended
the City Council either 1) approve a redesigned logo, 2) continue the redesign process and provide
direction on next steps, or 3) terminate the effort and continue to utilize the existing logo and/or City


As part of the Strategic Plan, the City Council requested staff identify the resources and process
needed to facilitate a City rebranding effort. In October 2022, the Council was presented with options
to begin the effort and directed staff to pursue a streamlined redesign of the City’s logo with the
assistance of a design firm. On February 14, 2023, the City Council approved a contract with Stellen
for logo design services.

Since that time, a City Manager’s Logo Redesign Committee (Committee), comprised of Redondo
Beach residents, was formed and has met regularly to consider iconography, design, and brand
impressions. Additionally, a series of community surveys and stakeholder interviews have been
conducted. The redesigned logo was first presented to the City Council for consideration on October
17, 2023, where staff was directed to prepare cost estimates for citywide brand implementation,
conduct additional educational outreach sessions at future Council Member district meetings, and
return at a later date with logo color alternatives.

After a series of community meetings and continued outreach, the Council discussed the redesigned
logo again on February 13, 2024. Following the discussion, the Council directed staff to launch a
logo redesign competition for a period of six weeks and to provide all competition entries to the
Council for review no later than April 2024. Council also elected to schedule a follow up discussion
for May 7, 2024, where each Council Member would present their preferred logo redesign option.
The Logo Redesign Competition closed on April 8, 2024. Overall, there were 199 design entries
which were submitted to the Council as part of the April 16, 2024 agenda packet and have also been
attached to this report.

As mentioned above, staff is seeking Council direction on how to move forward with the logo
redesign. It is recommended the City Council either 1) approve a redesigned logo, 2) continue the
redesign process and provide direction on next steps, or 3) terminate the effort and continue to utilize
the existing logo and/or City seal.

City of Redondo Beach Logo

Prior Logo Concept; Before logo Contest

City of Redondo Beach Logo
About Nils


Councilmember Nils Nehrenheim is a two-term representative of District 1 in Redondo Beach. He sits on multiple boards, was the President of Independent Cities Association and is proudly serving his term until March of 2025.

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