Online Community Meeting via Zoom and Facebook

Online Community meeting 6:30pm

Date & Time
Mar 18, 2024 06:30 PM 

Register Here!


Online meeting agenda will vary to allow for the ability to show media for agenda topics and we will discuss Tuesday Council items, which has not been released yet.

Special Topic: State Project Water Tour


Topics of Discussion

  • NEW California Proposed Bills: SB 951 and AB 2560. Once again, the the destruction of our local control AND our coast is front and center to profit Wall Street Developers.
  • State Water Tour Project review
  • Quick Cannabis Update: Discussion at council regarding zoning & process. Quick Note: Expect South Redondo to be of  significant interest to the cannabis community.
  • Audit Committee Report: Great Financial News!
  • Alta Vista: Sunset Little League Baseball kickoff.
Meeting Topics
Past and Upcoming

Council Items

Past Items:

  • New City Logo – Contest coming up! Have a logo idea?  Submit the logo by April 6th, see this link for more details.
  • 4th of July Fireworks Update
  • Cannabis Process
  • Veterans Park Old Library Concessionaire Agreement
  • Drone Program from RBPD
  • Wilderness Park & Alta Vista roof improvements.
  • Aviation Park Improvements

Upcoming Items & Events:

  • Mayor Brand Paddle Our Memorial: Saturday May 11th, 11am at Veterans Park. See this link for updated information.
  • Mid-year budget in April
  • Eggstravanaza at Franklin park! Saturday, March 23 · 10am – 12pm Address: 807 Inglewood ave Redondo Beach, CA 90278  DOWNLOAD Event information here.  Please join us for the City of Redondo Beach Eggstravaganza! This a FREE event! There will be egg hunts for all ages starting at 10:20am. Please see the flyer for the egg hunt schedule.Information here.
Hot Topic: Park  Improvements and new uses.
Redondo Beach City Council Chambers

Redondo Beach City Council Chambers. City Council meets the first three Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 pm.

News and Events

Riviera Village

Past Items:

  • Nothing to report

Upcoming Items & Events:

  • No 4th of July Fireworks in the Village
  • 4th of July Fun Run is a go!
Hot Topic: 4th of July Fireworks
News and Events


Past Items:

  • Harbor Dredging, right now!

Upcoming Items & Events:

  • Nothing to report,
Hot topic: Harbor Upgrades
Monthly Meetings

As a reminder, my in-person community meeting is always held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM, unless canceled.
Online meetings are held on the Zoom platform and live-streamed to Facebook where viewers can ask questions via chat, but not participate directly.


Upcoming Meetings





About Nils


Councilmember Nils Nehrenheim is a two-term representative of District 1 in Redondo Beach. He sits on multiple boards, was the President of Independent Cities Association and is proudly serving his term until March of 2025.

Events and News