Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

representing and leading since 2017

COVID, lawsuits, budget issues, and storms are all no match to get things done. The city government has become more transparent, more efficient and easier to work with since taking the helm in 2017. Always open to new ideas, drop me a line to see how we can make things better.

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Resident Focused Leadership

Since 2017, I have brought a business startup mentality to the city. increasing transparency started on day 1 and today our meetings, policies, and procedures reflect a modern way of governing.

environmental issues

Making our city more environmentally friendly, every council meeting. Today, we use less paper and build our projects in an environmentally sensitive way.


No mountain too big


All issues, large or small are dealt with. Nothing is wept under the rug. No can gets kicked down the road.


Happier residents, better community.


The focus is always about the resident quality of life, first. Managing our natural resources, city resources and community resources are paramount for future generations.